Thursday 25 June 2015

Shoes: Pleasure and Pain

Hi Everyone!

Shoes. I think most women have a preference when it comes to high-heel versus flats.

I’ve always been a flats kinda gal for the most part, sticking on a pair of heels when I played a concert. The all black dress code for women if the reason for the vast number of black heels I now have in my possession! These will all be gone soon though, as I embrace my life with EDS & succumb to a life of flats in a bid to save my hips/back/ankles/knees from further pain/damage. I’ve one pair of wedges that are gorgeous & I can’t bear to part with!

Freya is such a girl!

I love the history behind our clothing & accessories, where it all started & how it has evolved. When I was sent this ‘The Short Shoe History’ infographic by I knew I had to share it with you all, along with a little peak into my shoe collection? wardrobe? under the bed? Not quite sure how to describe the shoes that I own, but I’ll be sharing a snippet of them with you all the same!

As we’re supposedly not in summer, let’s start with the sandals! I have two day-to-day sandals, a pair of Birkenstocks (‘scuse the feet marks!) & a cute black pair from New Look with gold detailing that look great with a coral pedi! I love the Birkenstocks as they have good support for the foot. This makes them really comfy & takes some of the impact experienced when walking.

These are the only ‘heels’ I just can’t part with - I love the detail on the wedge. I bought them as part of my ‘going away’ outfit for my wedding but we didn’t get time to change as so much was going on. They aren’t quite as difficult as heels because of the extra surface area on the ground, but I still wobble a lot!

My good ol’ faithful shoes. I love these as, like the Birkenstocks, they too have additional support that cushions the foot. Without these I wouldn’t have lasted as long as I did in my retail job! 

Then to my winter options - boots. Not only do these keep my feet warm, they give my ankle a teensy bit of support too. I’ve struggled to find boots with no heel, but these two are low enough to be comfortable. I love the Chelsea boot s & this black pair gives a nod to this style with an open section where the traditional boot would have elastic & a buckle to secure them in place & add an extra detail.

So now that you know a bit about how shoe styles have evolved over the last 90 years & my personal shoe loves I wanted to share another piece of exciting information with you all! The Victoria & Albert museum is currently running an exhibition entitled ’Shoes: Pleasure and Pain’. I know though my own experience with my EDS the pain shoes can cause but am intrigued by this exhibition that looks at 200 extreme examples of footwear from around the world! I’m going to try & get down to London early enough on the day of my next Botox treatment to check this exhibition out!

Are you a high-heel kind a gal or do you prefer flats?
Which decade is your favourite?

Tania Xx

Have you seen my Denim Days Lookbook video?


  1. I'd love to see that exhibition, it sounds fab. I know the pain of shoes, I'm always looking online but then have to take my AFOs and dodgy ankles into account. Forever wearing trainers or biker boots!

    Sarah x |

    1. It really does! I love the V&A, they always have great exhibitions. My sister lives in DMs as she finds they are the most supportive & comfortable for her. I tried myself, but breaking them in caused too much pain! Xx

  2. I love heels. They are soo pretty buuuut my feet are not as much as a fan. I tend to call them my wheelchair shoes. I would have to have about 4 posts to show off my shoe collection its huge and the worse thing is I probably only wear a third of them. I just cant bring myself to get rid of them because I might wear them one day
    Beth x
    Mermaid in Disguise

    1. Yes! Heels are definitely wheelchair shoes. If you can wear them in your chair you don't need to get rid of them. Haha Love that you've got a huge collection of shoes - I thought mine was big! There's definitely that 'but I might wear them one day' feeling when thinking about getting rid of them. Xx
